The Challenge:
This challenge kicks off and celebrates Missoula's First Annual Fashion Week. Each of our 3 remaining designers were asked to design a garment for a local boutique assigned to them by the judges. The designers were challenged to think about this garment as part of their own private line as well as a reflection of the aesthetic of the boutique and their customers. The participating boutiques were Greenlight, One Eleven, and Cloth and Crown.
The Budget: Each designer will be limited to $35 at Selvedge Studio

The judges: Aimee, Matty Hancock (our guest judge), Carly, and Mary

Joanna, with her model sporting a garment from "The Runnaway" line for Cloth and Crown, is this week's winner!

Jazmine poses with this week's model for and owner of Greenlight

Erin with this week's model for and owner of One Eleven

Designer Joanna, model, and Jenna from Cloth and Crown talk about the garment.

Jazmine's design and model work the runway.

Erin's model shows off the versatility of her garment.

Designer Joanna and boutique owner Jenna celebrate the win!
This was the last challenge before the finale (on May 2) and as such only 2 designers were picked to continue on: Joanna and Jazmine. Thanks to Erin for her participation in and contribution to Project Selvedge and Missoula fashion!